Saturday, August 10, 2013

The final part of the circle - Esana Linga on the north east of the hill

This is the last one in the circle. Finally after completing of the circle, one has to take the blessings of Shri Arunachaleswar - the main temple situated on the eastern side of the hill. It is my duty to write my experiences during my visit to Holy Bhagwan Shri Ramana Maharshi Ashram and also the temple in Tiruvannamalai. Perhaps, I may write more in detail in a separate post.

The Most sacred Yama Dwar in the circle

This is the most sacred part of the circle. This is called Yama Dwar and one has to bow down before it and try to come of the narrow path in a small temple like place. You can also see myself and my wife coming out of the dwar.

Holy Kubera Lingam on the North of the hill

This is the most sacred place for those who desire to enrich themselves with wealth. The Lord of Wealth being Kuber - he is the lord situated on the North. Hence this Lingam is named as Holy Kubera Lingam

Holy Chandra Lingam in the circle

This is the Holy Chandra Lingam which is not counted in the eight directional Shiva Lingams

Holy Vayu Lingam on the North West of the hill

Holy Vayu Lingam is situated on the North west side of the hill

Holy Varun Lingam on the western side

This is the main lingam on the western side which is also called as Holy Varun Lingam. The significance is that on every 14th of April every year the rays of the sun from the top of the hill falls on the deity. Fourteenth of April is the normal date when planet Sun enters Aries where he gets exalted. The sign Aries is the first sign out of the twelve in the Zodiac cycle.

Holy Ganesh in the Hill

One can see amazingly the shape of Lord Ganesh in hill from an angle during circling.